Answered By: Josh Weber
Last Updated: Jul 28, 2016     Views: 48

General format for a webpage


Author, A. (date). Title of web page. [Format description]. Retrieved from http://URL


  • You do not end a citation to an online item with period.
  • You will put in the full web address (url) for the citation. 
  • Include the format description if the online source is not a book or periodical article. 
  • Some examples of format descriptions for online sources can include: Movie, Interview, Review, Blog post, Wikipedia article, You Tube video, Report, podcast.


17 Website with author and date of publication

Diana, D. (2015). Helicopter parents, it's up to you to let go now as your teens get ready for high school.                     [Blog post].Retrieved from                      to-you-to-let-go-now-as-your-teens-get-ready-for-highschool_b_7736806.htm

 In-text citation: (Diana, 2015, para. 2)


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